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Meet Lillian!

This blog was created with the intention of giving myself and others a platform to freely share our thoughts and opinions on our favorite books and related media. Our goal is to provide high quality and honest book reviews, ratings, and recommendations to other avid readers.

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My Story

Welcome to Lillian’s Library! My name is Lillian Kennedy, and I am a college student attending university in Ohio. As a child, I was always a huge bookworm. I stayed up late into the night reading and would try to squeeze a few paragraphs into every free moment I had. I still do these things, but now I’m in college and there isn’t anyone to tell me not to. It was well known in high school that I was an avid reader. Once I moved away people started reaching out to ask me for book recommendations. After a few requests, I decided it would be fun to start a shared Snapchat story for myself and other book-lovers to post book reviews and discussions when we finished reading something. After all, I was already reading the books anyway, why not have a platform to share my thoughts on them and recommend them to others with similar interests? After some time, a friend of mine posed an interesting idea: why not start a blog? It could be like the Snapchat story, but so much more. I was already reading and writing reviews anyway, so would I be interested in expanding a bit? I was immediately interested in the idea, which was good because she already had a logo made and a name picked out, Lillian’s Library. If I wasn’t already convinced, I was then. I quickly agreed to the plan and got to work.Now, you’re looking at the result. Feel free to explore at your leisure, but I’ll warn you that the reviews do contain some spoilers! Please remember that this is in no way a professional review, just my own personal thoughts and opinions on the books that I read. If you would like to open up conversation on something I talked about (or didn’t talk about) please feel free to do so in the comments of my individual posts. All I ask is that everyone respects one another, this is supposed to be a safe place to freely share our opinions, and it is perfectly fine that we won’t all agree. If you have a suggestion for a book you think I should read or review, email me at I hope you like what you find here, I know I’ve loved making it!


Please email me with book recommendations and requests for future reviews!

Lillian's Library Reviews
Book recommendations and reviews

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